Algorithm | The definition of a process or instructions to be carried to to complete a task. |
Arithmetic Operation | An operation that accepts and returns numerical values. |
Assignment | Giving a name to an object by which the object can be referenced. |
Binary | Code or number system containing only 0s and 1s; What a computer fundamentally understands. |
Bit | An entity with only two possible states represented by 0 and 1. |
Body | The code block following a conditional or function declaration. |
Boolean | A data type that has only two possible values: true or false. |
Built-In | A function or data type defined by the authors of a programming language. |
By Reference | To provide an object itself to a function. |
By Value | To provide only the value of an object to a function |
Calling | To execute a function. *Call;Called |
Casting | Converting one data type to another. *Cast; Casted |
Class | Defines attributes of an object. |
Collections | Types that contain multiple elements such as lists and strings. |
Command | A word that executes a program. |
Command Line Interface (cli) | A textual method of interacting with a computer system opposed to a graphical environment. |
Comment | A line of code that is skipped by the interpreter. For human readability. |
Comparison Operation | An operation that performs a test and accepts numerical values and returns truth values. |
Compiler | A program that converts source code of a compiled language to a binary file. *Compiler;Compilation |
Conditional statement | A statement which evaluates the truth value of a case. |
Constructor | A method that defines the default object of a class. Similar to a template. |
Data | Information. Usually ultimately stored in the form of binary data. |
Data Type | A data organization that defines the meaning of the data. |
Declarative | Programming paradigm where the state of the system is defined or declared. Such as a markup or templating language. |
Definition | The code that determines the actions of a function. |
Double Underscore Method (Dunder) | A method whose name begins and ends in double underscores. Is called by the class. |
else | A keyword beginning a conditional else statement. |
Escape Character or Escape Sequence | Characters meaning something other than its literal value. |
Executable File | A binary file that can be ran as a program on a computer often ending in .exe. |
Function | Code that is encapsulated. May accept inputs or return outputs. |
if | A keyword beginning a conditional if statement. |
Imperative | Paradigm where instructions are given to a system for execution. |
import | Keyword that brings into scope other source code. |
import | Python keyword that denotes a module to be included. |
Index | The numbered "container" which "holds" an element in a collection. |
Inheritance | The mechanism that allows classes to be derived from one another similar to a familial hierarchy. |
Instantiation | The creation of an object; the bringing of an object into existence. |
Integrated Development Environment | A program used to edit source code |
Interpreter | A program that executed the source code of an interpreted language. *Interpreted;Interpretation |
Iteration | The execution of a body of a loop relative to other executions in a series. *iterate; iterating |
Keyword | A word in a programming language that is protected for a certain used and not allowed for use as a variable name. |
Logical Operation | An operation that accepts and returns truth values. |
loop | A code block that executes until a condition is not met. |
Method | A function of a class to accept an object of said class as input. *Dot Function |
Module | Source code that can be imported for use; also known as a library. |
Module | Source code that can be reference and used by other source code. |
Nesting | Containing code blocks such as functions or conditionals within one another. |
Object | A concept defining an entity of a some data type and its existence. Data type; location; times used; etc. |
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) | Programming paradigm where data is organized by attributes. |
Operator | A symbol denoting an operation on one or between multiple objects or entities. |
Option | A setting usable at the command line. *Switch |
Overload | The act of redefining an operation through the use of dunders in a class definition. |
Override | The act of redefining a method in a child class's definition. |
Paradigm | Forms of a programming language that indicate how it is written in and how the source is executed by the system. |
Parameter | The input of a function. |
Path | A location within a file system. |
pip | A Python package manager. |
Pointer | A kind of variable which refers or points to an object. Variables in Python are pointers by default. *Reference |
Portability | The aspect of a language that defines how easily its programs can be ran on a wide variety of systems. |
Precedence | The order of operations in a programming language. Higher precedence is executed before lower precedence. |
Prompt | A symbol or group of systems denoting the current line in a command line interface. |
Recursion | The act of a code block calling itself. |
Scope | Data other code is aware of. *Scoping |
Shell | A program that offers an environment in which to interact with the system. Usually referring to a shell on the command line. |
Shorthand | The combination of multiple operators or processes and their functionalities into a single operator or symbol. |
Source Code | The expression of a programming language as a text file before compilation or interpretation. |
Statement | Code that expresses an action to be carried out. |
Style | The ways a language can express meaning based on the preferences of the author. |
Syntax | The rules dictating how a language expresses meaning. |
Terminal | A program that displays a command line interface. *Terminal Emulator |
Text Editor | A program used to edit source code. |
Truth Table | A table expressing the inputs and outputs of logical operations. |
Variable | A name used to label data. |
Zero Based Indexing | Paradigm where the index numbering of collections begin at zero. |